Monday, November 10, 2008 @ 1:36 AM
"it" is not a human, is some organic living, because it is so worst den any other living thing in the world, so I named that thing "it""it" is so horrible that I cant find any suitable horrendous words to matched it. What I can think of is "rotten to the core"."it" is selfish, lame, lazy,flirtish, acting pitiful, arrogant, money waster..I can say "it" is a super good actress. "it" is very cunning...well, everyone have seen "it"'s fox tail excluding that person, maybe only "it" itself does not realised..HOW PITIFUL..but "it" does not worth any sympathy."it" is super cunning that "it" have many ulterior motives...picking a bone in a egg shell will not benefit "it" well, because "it" is picking the wrong opponents..."it" will get the sweetness "it" wants..but..wait abit longer, soon the sweetness "it" get will become bitterness.What "it" do to us will soon get punishment, I tell you.."it", God is not blind and if "it" harms me or others, Haruka will get to "it", so "it", don't do anything stupid."it" loves to do black magic? stealing other people's property and casting or cursing something onto the things is a bad thing. Why? I believe in retribution, what you do to it, will someday return everything to the "caster" If it is casting, is still okay, but if it is cursing..hoho..beware..once a curse is done, 2 grave will be dug, "it" be sure to remember this."it" can you be a more tougher person? I found your character super easy to read and super rotten. Honestly, I tried to look at "it"'s good point, but sadly, I find none. What curious me is, why are you a human being? Have "it" questioned itself before? But think another way, if the world does not have "it" this kind of person, I guess, there wont be war happening.I tried to be on neutral stage with "it" but "it" does not wants, "it" loves to snatched other people's thing and start to to pick a fight, please, "it" , be more matured. "IT" leave us alone, I will leave you alone too and your life will be more happier, but "it" wanna pick a fight wif us, I dun mind joining the "fun", but, the game is "it" started it..dun blame us if you cry, because I hate sore loser.I already know the "game" have already started... hehex I cant wait to have some fun! *the above mentioned name "it" is targetted at "someone" dun worry, is someone not close to me XD*
Sunday, November 9, 2008 @ 9:45 AM

harlow.........long time nv post...coz too many things happen and very very lazy to post...feel like posting my piccie coz i FEEL LIKE IT!!! an old photo, for those dear frenz who miss mi..hehe!